Screen content 'corrupted' after applying a 3rd party stack – Stacks WebView graphical glitch bug

The problem is clear from the attached screenshot (ignore the grey bands which I inserted for confidentiality).

Now, on every page, I have to click on the stack borders for the screen to show each stack’s outline. Is this a RW bug? Appreciate any insights as to how to resolve this problem. Thanks.

This bug is a graphical glitch because Stacks is using a deprecated version of WebView — Apple deprecated this over ten years ago in 2014.

To fix this issue, YourHead need to update Stacks to use WKWebView. Unfortunately, Yourhead has had over 10 years to make the move, so I’m really not expecting it to happen anytime soon. It’s a ticking-time bomb…

Just for the record, Elements uses the newer (and blazingly fast) WKWebView, so suffers from none of the shortcomings of the legacy technology used in Stacks.

I’m not sure what stacks you are using but some of the stack frameworks include an option to turn off GPU acceleration that can help workaround this graphical glitch.

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By the looks of the stacks used on @MikeSA 's screenshot, we’re talking about Foundry 3.

Foundry 3 has an option to disable hardware acceleration (like @dan mentions). It’s an option of the Toolbox stack that comes with Foundry 3.

  1. If you’ve not already done so, drag the Toolbox stack onto your project page
  2. Go to the stack’s settings page, and make sure this button isn’t active:
  3. Save your project
  4. Repeat for all your project’s pages

Your edit mode content should now look normal again, albeit a little slower to load while you scroll if you have a big project page with lots of stacks.


Thank you Erwin, this worked! I am obliged to you.

Just one thing, which is an alert for careless users like me, I had the Toolbox in a partial and I had also dragged the stack on to each page. Therefore the on/off switching of the acceleration seemed to be in conflict. Anyhow, I deleted it from the partial and dragged it on to the pages individually. Happiness. Thanks again.

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Hi @MikeSA,

Good to her you got this resolved.

Like @dan said, this is a Stacks (the plug in) problem, as uses an older macOS/Safari component to display your page in edit mode.

Keep in mind that this works for now, but if Apple decides to remove the webview component from macOS, the Stacks plugin will no longer work.

Since Yourhead doesn’t seem to be updating the Stacks plugin any longer (they’ve moved on to other projects), this means that Stacks will eventually stop working on newer versions of macOS, and eventually on all new macs.

As for Foundry - Elixir has closed, so Foundry is no longer supported. This is terrible news, as Foundry was quite popular right up until the day Elixir decided to pull the plug.

With Foundry now gone, and Stacks in limbo, it’s time to move on. I have lost any confidence I used to have in Yourhead because of what they’re doing to their installed Stacks plugin user base.

As soon as Elements is out of beta, I’ll be converting my own websites to Elements.

For my older (client) projects based on Stacks and Foundry, I’ll have to always keep an older Mac around, running an older version of macOS, to be able to support those clients.

The whole situation isn’t ideal, but we’ll have to deal with it.


I agree with your points Erwin. I am playing with Elements 0.6 at the moment, while continuing to build in RW Classic.

I was a casualty of Adobe Muse and then Elixir and now Yourhead. I am migrating the remaining Muse sites to RW and then will have to migrate to Elements (subject to the specs of the final release of Elements).

Needless to say, I am very unhappy with the attitude of the software developers who either cause the redundancy of other add-ons or who simply close shop.