Hi to all,
I am utilizing the stack “SHARE IT” in order to give the visitors the possibility to share my site on their pages Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on
Unfortunately (using only Share It) only a link to the site to share becomes visible. It is without a title and without an image.
I have found out that I have to set the META TAGS, according to the social network.
Someone has suggested me the OG META TAGS for Facebook and the Plain Meta Tags for the other social…
You need to have the OpenGraph tags in place to tell the different platforms what to show.
Just google OG tags there is a ton of info on what to include.
If you happen to be using Foundation there is an SEO Helper stack in there that makes it a little easier.
If not just add them to the header area of each page in the page inspector (see screen shot)
This can all be done in the SEO Helper stack that comes with Foundation. Add that stack and then add the child of stacks (click the blue button) for each social network. Then add the content in the stacks.
Add the SEO helper stack to your page and then use the + button to add Twitter, Facebook, location etc child stacks. Fill them in with the info you wish to display and (theoretically) you’ll be done.
Well. Sharing on Facebook now works well with Facebook Open Graph of Foundation , with description, image, link, and so on.
But Twitter Card doesn’t work. I compiled properly all the section of SEO helper - Twitter card. Sharing my site on Twitter, only the link appears.
Instagram sharing doesn’t work too and I don’t find in Seo Helper a place where insert the data for sharing (image, etc…)