Sign-up sheet stack

Hey All,

Anyone know of a stack that will do a simple sign up sheet. We use sign-up sheets on a clipboard in the parish all the time and I am looking for a digital version I can add to a page on one of our sites.

I need a sheet that folks can add their name to and others can see who also signed up. Ideally an additional hidden field with their email that is only accessible to a sysop would be ideal.



Would this do the trick? Or this?

Thanks Mark,

I had seen Joe’s work, own most, but not these stacks.

I need a sheet that users can sign up online via their browser.

I forgot I need one that is responsive too.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion!

How about a form using FormSnap or similar that is linked to database then display database components that you need with something like Kuler SQL stacks? (I don’t have Joes power grid so not sure if it does this…?)

Thanks @bitbumpy

Decided to use back-Snap, not sure if it is responsive yet, but I believe it is. Off to test!


Yep. BackSnap by Yabdab is the way to solve this one. Responsive and just what I need.

Thanks Mark.

Not exactly what I need for this implementation, but this is a great and first product. Just purchased it, I have a number of places I can use this now!

Great find! Thanks!!