Site Settings > Code > Prefix - Paste

Paste doesn’t seem to work in Site Settings > Code > Prefix. It just puts up a box with Paste in it as shown in the image below. I was trying to paste in some PHP code which I was able to paste into an editor OK but wouldn’t paste in Elements.

Ah yes, we can reproduce that issue here. We’ll get it fixed. Weirdly if you click the second “Paste” that appears, it’ll paste the text in :crazy_face:

In the meantime, a better solution is to press “command-v” to paste in your code.

The double-paste works for me but not cmd-V - I get a warning sound.

Thanks, we’ll get this all fixed up!

Just discovered that the same applies to the HTML Custom Component > Template when pasting code. The double paste works but CMD-V doesn’t.

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This issue is still present (i.e. not fixed) in beta version 22880. Is the fix working its way to the top of the fix list? Just wondering. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hang in there, it’s on the list!

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Just in case it dropped down the list? :wink:

Apart from the double-paste, CMD-V doesn’t work but CMD-C does.

It definitely slows down Custom Component editing, not having this fixed. :frowning:

I’ve just tested this and the keyboard shortcuts; command-c and command-v seems to work perfectly in all the code areas :thinking:

This is the Elements (b15) menu:

CleanShot 2024-10-07 at 10.27.20

There is no keyboard shortcut shown against Paste?

I have noticed CMD-V is against Paste and Match Style?

I can’t see anything in my Mac’s settings that is modifying the Keyboard shortcuts but I guess there could be. I am using a Logitech MX Master keyboard

The Paste as Plain Text keyboard shortcut does work.

Update: I have found where it is modified on my system in Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts.

I will have take a look at that to see if I can sort it out.

OK, tracked it down and added in a special setting for the RapidWeaver Elements App:

I had obviously set CMD-V to Paste and Match Style sometime ago.

Maybe, Elements should handle Paste and Match Style as Paste?

Anyway, @dan thanks for testing it out and prompting me to investigate further. I did wonder why no one else was raising this as an issue. :wink:

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Ah, thanks for digging into this! :sweat_smile: