So how do I contact Rapid weaver?

can save my file which is a pain in the butt.

Tried saving under different name and different location won’t save

stuck now and seem to loose all changes since last open.

so how do i contact RW there is no link in software only referes to forum!!!


You can contact RapidWeaver support at, or you can sign up to the support site and contact support through that portal, where all your support conversations will be saved.

If nothing works I would try the following: create a new project file and save this file to your harddrive. If this did work, drag and drop the pages from your other project into this new project and save it after each page has been added. Tedious work, but this way you don’t loose the changes after last opening the project. Although I would recommend saving the project each 5 minutes anyway, which only takes seconds…

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