Hi, I created a page with sub, there’s a way to show the main page but not make it active? Then use only the sub …
Thank you.
Some themes, such as Foundation, have an option to enter the navigation entries by hand. You can then just show the subpage and not the main page, although I can’t fathom why you’d want to.
I would like to show the main page and the sub but the main should be not a page just a container of the sub. I know foindation but in this theme you have the possibility to show or not the main not to show and block the entry.
I confess that I really can’t grasp what you are trying to do, but a top bar in Foundation can show exactly what you want it to. Another possibility is to use the NavHelper stack which will hide navigation entries which are not wanted.
I think this (http://rapidweaver.marathia.com/stacks/No_Link/) is what you’re looking for.