Subpages in Rapidweaver (and MediaTemple Tips)

This question concerns adding additional pages long after the orginal website is created. So, let’s say I have a web page with the following structure:

Years pass.

Now, I’d like to create a page 4 and a page 5. Page 4 will be like a sub-index linking to page 5, with a different theme (thanks, Multithemes!) and utterly unrelated content.

I created the two pages in a new Rapidweaver project.

Now I’d like to publish them. But the *.rw project will only publish to a new “index.html” page and that will destroy the existing site.

Yes, I know I can add these pages using the original theme, but I want to use the new theme.

What is the “best practices” way of accomplishing this with Rapidweaver?

You haven’t mentioned whether or not you still have the original project file. If you do, convert it to the new RW format and add new pages to it, using any theme you want.

Sifting through the Knowledge Base and the RapidWeaver manual should help you sort out this issue.

Can sub-pages have different themes from the theme assigned to the main index.html page?

Every page / subpage can have a different theme applied. From the designer’s point of view, this may not be desirable, though.

Adding sub-pages to existing Rapidweaver site on MediaTemple

MediaTemple creates a hidden “html” file under your domain. Files must be uploaded to a segregated directory under that html directory (e.g., If you create a subdirectory directly under your domain, e.g., ( the new pages will not be found and cannot be accessed on the web. So this is what you have to do:

  1. Create new RW project.
  2. Publish your project locally.
  3. Find your domain listing on host (remote server)
  4. Open “html” subdirectory (e.g., "/
  5. Create subdirectory so that: /
  6. Enter new empty subdirectory.
  7. Upload RW site to empty directory / (and all the other RW files in your project).

Now you can access “” from the web.

You can do this easily with a slight workaround.
Make a new project and add the required home page set to the root
Name the file dummy.html (or what ever you want)
Set it to not show in navigation
Add a second page with the folder and file name (usually index.html but can be whatever you wish)

Normally, all pages are named index… and you name the folder
So your example above all files would be index.hrml but each would be in a folder named for the page.

How do you “set it to not show in navigation”? (referring to the new “dummy.html”)

Uncheck the “show in navigation” checkbox in the General Settings of the inspector panel.


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