There's a stack for that

if only I could remember what it was.

I’m after a stack that shows a panel that rotates through a vertical axis to reveal other content ‘behind’ it.

I just can’t recall where I’ve seen this effect.



Should be one of these three…my best bet is FlipIt.[]=&stack_developer[]=&wpv_post_search=Flip

This should work…

Thanks to both. I’ll investigate these and see if any of them can do what I want.



@joeworkman has QuickFlip2

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Yep. Sounds like QuickFlip to me!

Here’s the usage, Joe.

I want to put an album cover on the ‘front’ and on the back paste in code from a Soundcloud playlist.
The playlist will be longer than the height of the album cover, so will QuickFlip use a scroll bar to let visitors see the tracks that are hidden?



You could try to use my Static Hieght stack in conjunction with the soundcloud to make sure that its displayed properly with a scroll bar.

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