Total CMS - Blog Post upload error... Newsfeed down

Yesterday while publishing via Cyberduck I got an error I have never gotten before.

“Cannot replace file /public_html/bettertarrant/news.php with folder news.php. Please contact your web hosting service provider for assistance.”

I chatted & called they were of no help.

I tried re-uploading several times afterwards both via Cyberduck and directly thru RW with no luck or content from Blog Post being displayed.

“News” was a Content-side page name for Blog Post. I deleted those file from the server and renamed the page “News Post” and republished. Still no luck.

I can see the Blog Post on the Server in the “CMS Data” folder. But, cannot get linkage between that folder and RW to display the content. My site’s newfeed has been for about 16 hours. Any help will be MUCH appreciated.

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Looks like you have a directory(folder) called news.php, and a file with the same name within that directory. Not sure if that’s what you wanted, but it definitely confusing to have a directory with an extension (.php) on it.

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@teefers - Thanks Doug. You are correct. Some how the directory(folder) called news.php, and a file with the same name were generated. And, I got the error message.

For, that reason I deleted those file from the server and renamed the RW page to “News Post” and republished. Still no luck.

Any other ideas?

You are changing a lot of the parts of the URL and you have to be sure that Total CMS is connecting these. Have you previewed the Blog Post page after these changes and submitted the new URL so Total CMS is connecting everything?!? If not, try that.

I take it you are no longer getting the error in Cybderduck though correct?!?

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@zeebe… I see what you mean… My preview displays properly…

But, that new “Submit” prompt on the TCMS Content Blog Post needed to be submitted.

Which I just did and that fixed my display problem.

Thank you!

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