Total CMS Instructions


I just opted to get Joe Workman’s Total CMS. Do any of these things come with a user manual? I am not interested in watching videos for an age to get a grasp of things.

How do I start using this? Do I have to rewrite my entire site to get this working? Am I thick?

Can anyone enlighten me please?


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You do not need to rewrite your site to use TCMS.

This is the only video you need to watch, even though I’ve been using TCMS for a while, I still use this as a guide when setting up a new install.

Thank you for the replies I shall take a look at the video.

I dragged the admin core stack onto some of my pages but I removed it until I get to look at the vids. However this stack has left behind some code that having deleted the stack, leaves an annoying TICK and CROSS towards the top of my page. I am presuming I shall have to remove all trace of this tedious problem with a text editor unless anyone has a better idea. I’m getting to wish i’d never bothered with this. Rather a costly and pointless exercise.


Do you have a url which shows this problem?

Content Management is a complicated business - that’s presumably why TCMS comes with a 30 day free trial, so you can have a play around and see if it suits you before purchase.

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the reply.

Not the home page but the rest of em more or less.

Take a look. Any advice appreciated.

Thank you K

Have a look at this playlist…

When you put TCMS on a page it changes the suffix to .php. So in the Links folder, for example you now have index.php and index.html.

If you want to get rid of the X and tick, use an FTP program to go in and remove the index.php file, then re-load the page.

To see what I mean, load this page - Vale of Nidd Masonic Lodge Links Page - no x or tick.


Thanks Rob

I’ll do that. Thank God someone knows what they are doing. Good work.

Thanks again


Hi Joe,

I’ve managed to put together a basic blog page following your video. I cannot however manage to get the icons in the admin editor to change colour. They are very pale at the moment. Changing the settings appear to make no difference.


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