For the life of me I can’t find a video that I wanted to go back and rewatch! The person had a single page build where they did a 4 or 5 image background that slid the images in and out with different effects (they used comic book super hero images - I remember batman, superwoman, etc). Anyone have that link in their favorites that can share?
Was it the Shift video tutorial on this page?
I isn’t that one, but that gets me in the right location to look closer! I imagine it is a Foundry video from Elixir… Thanks!
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There is a video that shows building a single page site in the main Foundry section but it doesn’t use the super heroes. @Elixir will know.
Without some more details I’m at a loss. I would have thought you meant the Shift video as well. If you have an idea of what the stack does specifically I can point you to the right place.
Found it - Thanks for getting me close @robbeattie! I thought it was @Elixir, just wasn’t sure…
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