Webdeersign Project5 now available

@upssjw The RW menu is the Foundation Side Nav stack which is a little light on styling options. The Contact link is some paragraph text. If you want the Nav menu to include the Contact link, you could easily add it as HTML in the Side Nav stack Custom HTML Menu feature. That is probably too difficult for most so I used the easier text link method. Sometimes I have to make slight compromises to make something easier for users.

However, have you ever seen a link inside a MegaMenu smooth scroll to a link on the same page?

If you need any help adding extra text links with the same Nav styling just let me know. If I get a moment I may add it to the Project and provide extra documentation with the 2 options.

I have just updated Project5 to include a new version of the Contact button. It needed a bit of custom CSS to style the SideNav but it perfectly matches the SideNav styling and behaviour now. The small price to pay for this was some extra documentation to cover the change together with an example showing how to change or create your own links that smooth scroll from the MegaMenu. All done and ready for download.

For those who have purchased Project5, log in to your Paddle account and you will be able to download the new version.

There is also an overview video at: