Website falling apart.. PLZ HELP!

Over the years I have heavily relied on PlusKit and Stacks for the design and functionality of my website.
Had an issue and thought a update of PlusKit might solve things, it did the opposite!
I know find out I can no longer import a stacks page into another stacks page!!!

What I would like to know is…

1, Is there any alternative to PlusKit that is more friendly with stacks.

2, (if not) How do you create a sub-menu that can easily be added to a page heavy website.
For this I relied on MyMenu alongside PlusKit was not ideal but it worked. (Im talking about a sub menu for like a shopping cart section of a website).

3, Or what about the navigation links that appear in the fotter of most websites how do you add those to a page heavy site with out PlusKit? (I just can not simply copy and paste these links on every single page just to want to make an adjustment to one of the links at a later stage and then have to go over my ENTIRE website to make a minor change.

4, And are stacks still the way to go or is there something better out there now?

Would appreciate all the help I can get!

Both are now supported by the same company Yourhead @isaiah, and to my knowledge, there’s no alternative to PlusKit.

I’m not sure if I understand what you’re trying to do, could you give some us more details. Perhaps a URL to the site, along with some information on how you’re using PlusKit.
In your post, you mentioned “page heavy website,” what specifically are you talking about?
As for “links that appear in the footer,” something like that may be able to be done with a stacks partial, depending on the theme you’re using.

1, Is there any alternative to PlusKit that is more friendly with stacks.

PlusKit yanks whole pages up and spits them out inside of other pages. This technique tends to work best on simple pages – especially ones with not too much Javascript wizardry happening.

On complex pages (like Stacks) this process tends to cause lots of problems. I don’t recommend it.

This is an inherent limitation of the PlusKit technique – so it’s unlikely it will ever change much. PlusKit will always work best on simple pages and always be inadvisable on complex pages.

2, (if not) How do you create a sub-menu that can easily be added to a page heavy website.
For this I relied on MyMenu alongside PlusKit was not ideal but it worked. (Im talking about a sub menu for like a shopping cart section of a website).

You should use partials. Partials allow you to create often used content that can be shared all over your site. Partials don’t have the inherent limitations of PlusKit because they don’t yank out whole pages, just a partial-page (which is where they get their name).

There is a quick video on the Stacks page that introduces partials. It’s a good place to start. Here’s a direct link to the video: Partials in Stacks 3 on Vimeo

3, Or what about the navigation links that appear in the fotter of most websites how do you add those to a page heavy site with out PlusKit? (I just can not simply copy and paste these links on every single page just to want to make an adjustment to one of the links at a later stage and then have to go over my ENTIRE website to make a minor change.

Partials allow you to continue to make changes just to the partial – and those changes get reflected on EVERY PAGE that uses the partial.

4, And are stacks still the way to go or is there something better out there now?

Stacks is just the very best thing that there ever was.
OK, yes…, I suppose I may be just a little tiny bit biased. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But seriously… it is pretty cool… and still I think it’s probably the best thing going in RapidWeaver today.



Stacks are definitely the way to go – I doubt if RapidWeaver would still be around without them, because they’ve changed RW from being a theme-based web design program to being something a lot more flexible. And Partials have made Stacks much, much better.

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I can’t imagine using Rapidweaver without stacks.

ahh… yes… I should have realized the typo… now I’ve edited my post also :slight_smile:

I think it’s a typo. I’m sure he means “without Stacks”.

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