Hi, I’m in the process of producing a new website, however, whatever I try it will not resize for iPhone SE simulation.
It appears to be o.k for all of the other iPhone simulations. It loses part of the banner. I have reverted it to the original Voyager theme banner but still the same.
The major issues are that only 2/3 of the grids are showing.
Any advice please?
Hi @HEW,
Not sure the banner is fully responsive as there’s a hard height set at 540px. It might get cut off on smaller devices like an iPhone SE.
I believe Elixir Graphics made the Voyager theme, however they are no longer in business so not sure you will be able to get support there.
Perhaps you could try switching to a different theme to see if the banner resizes properly on all the devices you are testing with.
Thank you for your help.
I have tried all of the Rapidweaver themes, the banner sits o.k on some but the grid on the home page doesn’t. It’s a pity it can’t be set to width 100% as you can with some forms.
Perhaps there’s something else to use for the link buttons instead of grid?