I bought Joe Workman’s excellent RW manual and worked through it, but it’s written for version 5 and much stuff isn’t applicable. This is part of the reason I recently got messed up with formatting text. So I went looking for newer stuff.
So far I found http://rapidweaverfaq.org/ and oh, just found https://weaver.tips/ but are there more good sites/books that people recommend? Something to keep me from cluttering up the forums with questions?
Sometimes projects require specific questions / advice, so feel free to ask around on these forums. You can always search to see if someone else had the same question as well.
www.rapidweaverclassroom.com is good and has a section on RW 7. It’s very thorough and goes at a good pace (there are also lots of other topics to look through and it has a free trial). The community site has a host of tutorials as well.
Yes, it’s a good book! I learned a lot from it. But I also got in trouble, by following the suggestion to control spacing by removing formatting and use the HTML tags … there seems to be some conflict in RW, where if text is treated as HTML and not as styled text, some of the formatting gets ignored. I went around and around trying to figure out why sometimes text I marked as bold would render as bold, and sometimes not. Same for italic, centering, etc. As far as I can tell, the best way to manage the appearance is to go through the RW styled text settings or use Markdown. I figured this was something that changed between version 5 and version 7, and you guys are just so expert that you don’t have to think about it.