It has been brought to my attention that exporting Formloom 4 pages is not possible using the new RapidWeaver 8.7.
I tested this and it is true
I am not sure what was changed in the new version, but I am not going to be able to fix this in the foreseeable future. Just trying to be honest and transparent. If you want to use Formloom 4, then I recommend NOT upgrading to RapidWeaver 8.7.
If it is an easy fix, then I will do my best to issue an update as soon as I can. With the constantly changing RW API landscape lately, it is becoming more and more difficult to keep the plugin current.
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I’m on formloom 4, stacks 4.1b25, RW 8.7 and Big Sur. I have two websites running with multiple formloom pages and all exported and uploaded ok since the patches.
I was also able to successfully publish a Formloom page and it seems to be working fine. I did have problems with the same page in preview mode where it would throw some sort of error. But other than that the page exported fine!