FormsPlus 1.6.0 - Date Picker restrictions & File uploader settings

Hi Weavers,

FormsPlus 1.6.0 is now live for you to grab. In this version, there are some some options for the file uploader as well as Date Picker. With the Date Picker, you can now have finer control over what days of the week a user can select.


New Features

  • Add the ability to restrict date selection to a specific day of the week within the date picker
  • New options for organizing file uploads
  • New FontAwesome icon options for file cancel icon


Great stack, great update … I look forward to more updates, advanced features, in future updates :smiley:
By the way, the live demonstration, demo, is excellent.


Thanks. There has definitely been a lot of work and awesome new features added to FormsPlus. It’s turned into something I’m really happy with (hopefully users are too!) :slight_smile:


Hi Greg,

can you select time as well as date on the picker?

Also on the page for FormsPlus, on the Links list Documentation has a “coming soon!” tooltip pop up, rather than a link to the Help section for FormsPlus that exists at


and must say enjoying the podcasts


yes, timepicker was added to the date picker in 1.4:

thanks for the heads up on the link and I’m glad you’re enjoying the podcast :slight_smile:


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Does your Formsplus stack have any way that, on the first page of the form there are a number of check boxes and depending on these box what other pages are shown to the user or hidden?


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no, sorry it does not. I’ll make a note of the idea tho. thanks for sharing!

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Yes, in fact Gregory, it would be a great feature, hopefully we can see it in a future update :smile:

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