Need a Stripe Cart

More updates on this one… introducing Cart 2.2!

Thanks again for all the feedback. This round a lot of it came from great feedback from @robbeattie & @webdeer

  • NEW: Add Out Of Stock Messages to Item variables also. So for example, Black Hat is out of Stock but not the red or blue? No problem. Add a custom message and republish. Arrange the order or items and keep selling those which are still good to go!
  • NEW: Titles can be switched on/off and automatically appear above the item if needed (saves typing it twice with a Text Stack)
  • NEW: Amounts can be included in Buttons with currency code for ease of use automatically. Or just write it manually (it’s not currency symbols but it’s a start and a help. If you want, you can overwrite this and add $ currency symbols manually as it’s set per item)
  • NEW: Cart Button now has the option to be a Cart icon! Great for mobile and small screens and super fast as browser powered (not Font repository)
  • NEW: Border colours for Cart pop-up can be set
  • FIX: Better mobile alignment of checkout buttons
  • FIX: Changed default colours to Black so clearer what it text in the Cart! :man_facepalming:
  • FIX: Button text in Stripe buttons now taking correct text

Some shots in action:

Out of Stock per variable item:

Convenient Item titles if required:


Amounts added into buttons if required:

Better mobile buttons:

Cart only icon (large and random place but you get the idea!):


Happy Selling in RapidWeaver with PayPal and Stripe guys!