Video Stack via text link wanted


I need a video stack that can play a video file located in my web host. I used to use the great Stack called FlowBox, but it’s discontinued. The great thing about FlowBox is that you can use a text link to open a lightbox with the video. The other video Stacks uses Vimeo or Youtube I don’t want that. I need to be able to host my own video files and access then via a text link. Is there a Stack that can do that.

You can use Joe’s HTML5 Video stack along with his Expose stack to get the lightbox effect. It plays hosted MP4, WebM and OGV files (as well as others too).

prettyPhoto stack does that, I just add a rel=‘prettyPhoto’ to the end of the HREF to pull in the lightbox.

I have some javascript that loads with the page that pulls that rel statement out if the web page is being viewed on a mobile device, that way the lightbox does not show and that allows the built-in video player of the device to take over and show the video in full-screen.

You can also use (I believe) a combo of Player stack with TopBox stack. More at Stacks4Stacks.

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+1 for Stacks4Stacks Player & TopBox

How to i use them.

I don’t want a preview of the video only a text link. What do I put into the 2 places. One is called Drop stacks here " Launcher " and two is called Drop stacks here " Lightbox.

I can’t find prettyPhoto stack you are talking about.

Its offered by RWExtras —>

Thank you all for helping me out.

I went fore Joe’s stacks. And I found a video explaining how to do exactly what I wanted. It’s much easier when you know what to do.

Here is the video link. Using a text link to open an Expose Lightbox.