⚡ Pulse CMS Integration for RapidWeaver ⚡

I’m so happy it’s here too :palm_tree::tada:

There’s been so many requests for this and despite my best efforts, I couldn’t have done it without @instacks, @gille and @RapidBase support and patience :stuck_out_tongue:

This really is an amazing Stack suite by Jannis and it opens up the doors for huge potential.

Looking at his first video you can see him adding Gallery Stack 3 and @Elixir Animagic Stacks… just shows you the power and flexibility in this Pulse integration.

More Stacks and Pulse specific Foundation projects will no doubt sprout up over the coming weeks + months. Exciting times to be a weaver!

RapidWeaver + Pulse CMS + Any theme & Stacks = Successful Freelance Web Business + Happy Clients

Make money and look good doing it :sunglasses::moneybag:

Happy Pulse Weaving!