6GB of caches for YourHead; another 286 MB for RW 6&7

Hi, Weavers,

After doing a sweep of my HD to locate extra large files, I discovered a folder in in ~/Library/Caches/com.yourhead.YHStacksKit-32. This currently contains almost 6GB. I’d love to have this space back (laptop, SSD). It seems an excessively large cache. I’ve written YourHead but haven’t heard back. Can I safely delete this?

I also found 221 MB in: ~/Library/Containers/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver6/Data/Library/Caches/Updates and 65 MB in ~/Library/Containers/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver/Data/Library/Caches/Updates. These contain DMGs of every version of plugins (Stacks, PlusKit, Collage, RapidCart, Blocks, etc.) I’ve installed. What’s the point? It seems a waste of good space. Why does RW save these and might I safely delete these?



I also show large amounts in the realmacsoftware locations (1.7 GB for v7 and 1.1 for v6).

I guess you need to ping @isaiah and @dan to get an answer on this one.

You can safely delete these caches, just make sure RapidWeaver is not running when you do it.

FYI: RapidWeaver 7.1.x will automatically clear it’s own cache out so you’ll never have to do this again :slight_smile:

Hope that helps.


We’ve been tracking a bug that causes stacks to “go off the rails” and store many more caches than usual. If you have a particular file that you use where you see this issue I’d really really love to have a peek at that to help us narrow down this elusive one. Thanks