8.1.1 Has fixed my issues

Thank you to the RW Team for getting this fix out!


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Me too…thanks guys!

Yes, good for me. A much more informative ‘missing resources’ message comes up now. Both files listed were resources I had deleted a very long time ago, but were being remembered by RW.

THANK YOU!!! RW now reports what resources are missing… I can cry from happiness :wink:. Great work to get to the bottom of this and get it out.

A big thank you. So much easier when you know what links you’re looking for. Although some of the resources listed no longer had visible active links within the project, so there was no chance I could have found them without the new missing resources message. In all but a couple of cases it was a matter of delete rather than relink.

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Brilliant. Thank you for resolving the issues. So relieved that my site has returned from the dead.

Thanks again.

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