A disaster befalls

Despite being what I’d call an ‘experienced’ Mac user, I’ve had a website disaster that embarrasses me to type about.

All the RapidWeaver files of this site have disappeared. Totally. On all backups, offsite and onsite. The site is still active online but I need to alter things. It was created in RW6 and I’ve now upgraded to RW7.

I have my fingers crossed that some genius is able to tell me if it’s possible to pull the files down from the site via cPanel or otherwise. I’m a raw beginner. I’m happy to pay someone!

You can download the files from your host, that’s easy. You can go into cpanel and download what you want or use something like Cyberduck. Unfortunately if you don’t have your RW project file, you will have to recreate the website.


You cannot “pull the files down” with Cpannel, well, not the file you need anyway. To edit the site you need to find the project file on your mac for ver 6 it is a .rw6 file. Do a search in spotlight for .rw6 and see if its on your computer.

I am afraid without that you can’t change the site in RW.

LOL Lisa beat me to it


And as a precaution for the future, zip up your project’s file and keep it as a backup on your hosting server, as well. That way, you will always know where to look for it.


Since RWs Autosave feature has been disabled, I have re-installed ForeverSave2 and am using it with great satisfaction. It backs my project file up in an interval I can determine and helps me to not lose a project file.


Oh no! Sorry to hear that. Do you use Time Machine on your Mac? Do ignore if that’s a silly question… Good luck.

I would also recommend SuperDuper which will save a complete bootable backup of your hard disk. I use it to backup every day.

Thanks for your interest Mark. Yes, as well as other backups, I use Time Machine. But this site was created in 2014 and my Time Machine backups only go back to Sept 2016. Which is surprising because it’s a 3GB disk and is only half full. I’ll answer my own question and say that it’s a newish disk and I probably started the backups again in Sept 2016, deleting the old backups. Fool I am.

Thanks Peter. I use SuperDuper also but I think the problem is that these files were deleted some time ago and the backups have overwritten them.

I have never managed to use the internal publishing feature with RW so use Transmit instead. As soon as I have uploaded all the files I upload the .rw file as well just in case I can’t find it. Not much use to you now I know, but worth considering in the future as a back up to the back up.

At least the site is still live. Look at it as an opportunity to completely revamp it and take advantage of three years worth of new themes and other RW stuff.

Don’t forget Rapidweaver 7’s new Portable Document feature (for the future)


It puts a copy of your sitefile on your server.

I’ve sent you a message @mulgravebrad