Download working copy of RW master

I maintain a portfolio site for a friend which has evolved over the years. It uses the Stealth theme, but heavily modified. I upgraded my computer last year, and all the formatting has disappeared from the file. It will be a LOT of work to reinstate the file to its current live state, so I’m wondering if it’s possible to download the working site from my host and restore it that way? Unfortunately my Time Machine backups don’t go that far back.

Nope, no way to do that.

Rats. I feared that would be the answer. Well that’s several hours of tweaking then…! (Thanks for putting me out of my misery)

What kind of customizations did you have to make?

I’ve spent the afternoon doing it. Nothing too arduous, and actually once I’d removed the banner and reset the page width it all clicked back more or less into place. A lot of it was to do with lining up tiny little stacks by eye, and that’s been fixed by editing the template itself. The colour modifications I’d made to the template are reasonably easy to reinstate (and of course I have the online site as a reference) so it’s not quite the disaster I thought it was going to be!


That’s awesome news!

Things generally seem to go faster the 2nd time…also the 3rd, 4th, and 5th times if you are like me. :wink:


Glad you got things up, my suggestion, compress your RapidWeaver project file after quitting RapidWeaver each day and upload it to a place like dropbox. That way you have a backup.

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I keep a copy of the project file on the web server of each site, just in case :grimacing:


This is another way to do it. I believe Realmac has mentioned something about backups with RapidWeaver 7, but maybe I am wrong…

Yes, that’s learned me all right! I shall upload the site files to my iCloud drive, and actually keeping one in the web server files makes a lot of sense too. Thanks for your suggestions everyone: I shall be a better housekeeper!