A One Page site like this

Hello, I’d like to build a one page site very similar to this one: http://www.callmeluckymovie.com.

I’ve had a look at one page themes and the closest seems to be Codex. However, Codex does not have sticky navigation and menu items are limited to 7 (6 extra content areas).

Does anyone have another suggestion about how I can build this one page site with Rapidweaver?

Thanks in advance.

Joe Workmans Foundation stacks plus Andrew Tavenors Section Stack and his Magicgellan stacks would do that nicely and pretty much anything to be honest. They just take a little more effort that most themes but the possibities are pretty much endless.

Thanks @jspencer2. That’s exciting news. I had a look at the stacks you suggested…impressive!

What I will need to accomplish this—in addition to RW and Stacks of course?

  • The Big White Duck stacks you mentioned
  • Foundation theme

And will I need to get any Foundation stacks to make this work?

Thanks once again!

you can do this with the Screens stacks set by Joe Workman (yes I work for Joe Workman)

Hi @zeebe. Thanks for the suggestion. I will take a closer look at Screens.

Hi @zeebe. I checked the demo and videos for Screens and there is a limitation that I have to consider: “All the content for a particular section needs to fit within a page that is limited by the size of the browser window.”

I’m not sure this will work as it is not the same as http://www.callmeluckymovie.com where content does not need to fit within the browser window. Unless I’m misunderstanding something which could of course be the case…

Thanks again.

You should be able to create a site with exactly the same behaviour as this using a set of very reasonably priced stacks from CosCulture called Full Page Scrolling stack inside a blank theme such as Themeflood’s Blank Theme or FreeStacks Responsive Theme.

Each page can be as long as you like. In the Hud select ‘Show menu’ to have the sticky menu at the top of the page. Lots of variations possible including full page background video.

Foundation Starter Pack and BWD’s Magicgellan and Sections stacks will do this perfectly.

Another theme which is prety close to what you are wanting is ‘Euphonic’ by Brandon Lee.
