Adding Outlook Office 365 Calendar to your website

Does anyone know how to do this?

I have made the calendar public and have the public url.

How do I embed this calendar on my RW website?

Might be possible to do an awkward workaround like: share your calendar to a Google calendar, then use Yabdab’s DateSnap to show the Google calendar. A bit ugly, but your users wouldn’t need to know.

I dont have outlook office calendar but if all that it gives you is a url (I am assuming you can view the calendar at that url in a browser) you will probably have to use either an offsite page or an iframe stack (there are a few different ones).

Or as Nick suggested sync it to a google calendar and then embed that directly or use a google calendar stack.

Thanks guys, I went for an iFrame in the end. Some job though as it needed scaling which took a bit of research.