No, I did not. In fact, even new stacks, when I try to install them - they will not appear. Is that some how connected issues? Im trying to say, that I do not need to upgrade my old projects - that is not the issue.
New stacks installed would not be affected by that, I don’t believe anyway. How are you installing your new stack(download and click, dragging onto the RW in the dock)?
Do you still have RW 5 installed?
OK, here is proof-screenshot. Plugin appears in Addon manager “Fluid image” but project file says “This stack is not curently installed”. Even if I download this stack once again, and yes, drag and drop to RW7 icon in the dock - nothing happens. Even more, when it attempts to install it, it asks smth like “do you really want to reinstall allready installed addon?”
As far as I know this message appears only if migrating from RW6. So, I had no messages offering to migrate. By the way, All my plugins are here: ~/Library/Containers/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver-setapp/Data/Library/Application Support
It says Fluid Image Box, that is a separate stack. Look up your order from here:
and get a new download and reinstall it.