After latest updates all images present in my project disappeared

That’s good news for you. You can get all those images back, either a single image at a time or with a product like SiteSucker that will grab them all and put them in a folder on your hard drive.
Unfortunately, even with a tool like that, it’s going to just grab the raw images for you, you still must organize them and place them back on the pages of the RapidWeaver project.

Warehousing is a term used only in the RapidWeaver Community. There is really nothing special about the images. It really is just an individual deciding to “Manually” manage their resources, including images outside of RapidWeaver, usually with an FTP application like Transmit or FileZilla. Even when you drag and drop an image onto a RW page, in the background RapidWeaver(or stacks) will create a separate image that gets uploaded to the server and then places a link onto the HTML(or PHP) page for you.
I agree that drag and dropping an image is so much easier. And that’s why people use a product like RapidWeaver, to make publishing a nice-looking website easy. Now there are legitimate reasons for people to want to manage resources like images manually. Like you have a sizeable amount of images or other resources that change often or you simply need or want more finite control, then Warehousing might be right for you. But for most RW sites I think drag and drop is a great way to go.

And honestly I would keep doing what you are doing. I don’t think any of those other than impact support warehoused images, so for you to adapt the way you work, you’d need to change almost everything that’s worked for you for two years.

That would make me think that the Project file that you copied was probably bad before you copied it. I don’t know that for sure, and there is no way to tell what and when it happened, but it happened.

This is where I’d suggest you change your work flow. You really need to add a better backup strategy. You need to be backing up everything on your Mac regularly. You need incremental backups that allow you to get any file the way it was at a previous point in time.

Luckily Apple has made that pretty easy with the built in TimeMachine App. All you need to do is hook up an external drive and tell TimeMachine to use it. It does the rest for you. If you are mobile and don’t want to or can’t hook up the drive, just eject it properly, unhook it, and the next time you plug it in it will “catch up” the backup. Since even the best batteries need charging pretty frequently, just get in the habit of plugging in the external TimeMachine drive when you charge.

There are of course other backup programs, like SuperDuper and Carbon Copy Cloner, etc. And if you prefer one of those great. Just whatever app you choose, Backup.

Unfortunately I had to restore using TimeMachine but lost about of month of work

As of v2 all of those Foundry stacks support “remote images” (aka warehousing). If Konstantinov wants to switch he can, but as Doug points out, it’s more work and what he experienced is pretty rare.

@teefers thank you very much for your detailed explanation. As well as to the others that replied here…All information was good for me…Now I will start to add my missing images pages by page…I do not know whether this will be interesting for the community but will drop a message in the forum when ready with the result and how it was going, maybe this will help somebody else who is in my case…

Thanks again to all Stay Safe!

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Recently I had a similar problem to what @Balmidor is having. Here is my story. I became aware that I did not have any anti virus software on my computer and thought I should have something to protect me. I loaded AVG onto my computer and went about my business. After a few days I opened my RW site (up to date) and found all the images I had stored in Resources had disappeared with a big question mark in place. Panic button time. To make a long story short I decided that possibly the AVG software was creating a problem as I had read that anti virus software can cause problems. I uninstalled AVG, restarted and lo and behold the problem disappeared and all my resources magically reappeared.

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Hello @Hanko,

Most probably I had the same origin (only I installed Norton 360). However I was not so lucky, since after removing the Norton 360 I could not recover my images on the Rapidweaver Project. Any thanks for your feedback. From my side I going the hard way by adapting the images manually page by page…Take care & Stay Safe!

@Balmidor I’m sure you’re deep into reintroducing your images but I would ask, did you just throw the Norton application into the trash or did you uninstall using the Norton uninstaller? If you just threw the application away I would recommend you use the uninstaller. If you did the former their could be pieces of Norton still residing in your computer. Just a thought.

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