Airtable Database Publishing Stack

Hello Tim and thank-you for your quick answer.
The result is much better:
I just see a remining problem: the spaces are too big between lines. Where can I change this ?
Thanks again and have a safe day.

You might be able to do something like this:

<div style="line-height: normal;"><script>document.write ( nl2br( marked( `{{Formatted}}` ) ) );</script></div>

~ Tim

We tried but had a problem to get the licence Number mail. My colleague is in contact with Realmac.
Hop it will work asap.

Ah, Realmac make Rapidweaver but the Stacks plugin is not. Stacks is made by Isaiah at Yourhead software. @isaiah would be the best person to help with licence issues

:pray:t2: Thank you Tim, it is working now. Have a nice day.

Do you have a contact by Realmac Software, We have bought the licence but never received the licence number by mail.
We will purchase Stacks as soon as we have RapidWeaver.

Bottom of this page there’s a license retrieval, and if that doesn’t work right below that is a contact email link.

I can’t get Airtable/Airpublisher to work. API Key, Base ID and table name are set correctly (I’m really sure). However, the debug info shows this errors:

’ . PHP_EOL; echo 'Debug Information
’ . PHP_EOL; echo '• Error Type: ’ . $response[‘error’][‘type’] . ’
’ . PHP_EOL; echo '• Error Message: ’ . $response[‘error’][‘message’] . ’
’ . PHP_EOL; echo '• API URL: ’ . $url . ’
’ . PHP_EOL; echo ’

I’m on RW 8.6.2, Foundation 1

Accessing the table via is no problem

First, make sure that the page’s filename extension is “php.”

If that isn’t the problem, then it could be a conflict with another stack. To troubleshoot this, try to remove or disable any stacks (especially those that use PHP) in the Intro, Record List, and Outro drop zones.

I hope this helps.

~ Tim

Thanks for your reply. Extension was php.

I noticed that I had to put a stack into Record List zone in order to show records.

However, the error message still remains in preview mode, and the option"Fields returned by the API" does not work for me.

I’ve just posted a new version of the Air Publisher stack (v1.1). It resolves issues that occur when the Airtable API returns only a single record. This might resolve the issues that you’re running into.

When you get a chance, please give it a try.

You can download it here:


~ Tim

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Hi Tim,

Love the stack - I know you must have put a lot of hard work into it and it’s really generous making it freely available.

Would you consider doing a modification for a reasonable license fee?

It’s really awkward trying to get the records presented in a grid format, using other stacks (Like Foundry ‘card’ stacks etc)… but I think if the sections of the Air Publisher stack were split into separate stacks,

  1. Intro Stack
  2. Records Stack
  3. Outro Stack
  4. No Records Stack,

Then the database connection can be configured separately to the returned records, which could contain a number of stacks, and likewise embed any number of formatted/nested stacks, and the ‘records stack’ itself could also be formatted separately…

eg: on the page where the records need to go, assuming the other stacks have been configured:

Psuedo Code:

    <<Foundry-Card-Deck Stack>>
      <<Air Publisher Records Stack>>
         <<Foundry-Card Stack>>
         <<Foundry-Card Stack-Title>> (Contains Token from Air Publisher)
         <<Foundry-Card Stack-Paragraph>> (Contains Token from Air Publisher)
         <<Foundry-Card Stack-Image>> (Contains Token from Air Publisher)
       <</Air Publisher Records Stack>>
    <</Foundry-Card Records Stack>>

So in the above example, the Foundry Card Deck stack is a container for any number of individual card stacks… It’s simple enough to currently use multiple stacks in each row of returned records… But it’s impossible for them to be nested in the record loop, unless the record loop was a stack of its own…

I have tried using a HTML stack in the intro and outro, but despite Rapidweaver settings being configured NOT to autocomplete HTML, it still keeps adding </div> tags and breaking the code in my intro html stack, and it makes it near impossible to edit the stack the HTML came from.

Hope that makes sense.

Jason Sheldon


It’s interesting that you’ve made this suggestion, because the multi-stack approach was what I originally used to develop the stack. I decided to use the single-stack approach because it seemed easier for users to implement the stack. But you’re correct in that it does make it difficult - or impossible - to use the stack depending on what you’re trying to do with it.

I am using a multi-stack approach on the new FileMaker stack (and it’s one of the reasons that I’ve delayed releasing that stack). There are separate stacks for defining a database connection, finding records, getting a specific record, and so on.

If that works out, then I’ll release a multi-stack version of Air Publisher - and likely use the same approach for the other database publishing stacks that I’m working on (for MySQL, SQL Server, NetSuite, and so on).

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Woohoo! This is great news!

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