All Formloom3 Forms Stopped Working

All Formloom3 Forms Stopped Working

Has this happened to anyone else? Just today, I noticed that none of my Formloom3 forms work anymore on any of my new websites that use Formloom3. They all fail the reCaptcha security test, and I have no idea why. It worked fine, on all my websites, up until recently. Not sure how many days this has been happening since.

On one website in particular, I deleted the keys, created new ones, and republished all files. No go. Same problem as before. Fails security test.

What on earth is happening here?

So, no one else has experienced this issue?

I just noticed it as well, I do not know what I need to do on the server side, do I need to add a script, if so what do I call it and where will I place this, in the root or the form loom folder, or do I add a script in the index.php? I look forward to suggestions! thanks

Mine is working okay. No recaptcha or database - I use the google form function.

That was an old issue I had with my previous hosting provider.

Those incompetent fools eventually, after a long wait, upgraded my server to PHP 5.6, but they screwed up somewhere and reCaptcha 2 stopped working on all my websites, creating an emergency issue of biblical proportions for me.

Of course I had to leave that abysmally incompetent company and find a different hosting company in short notice, transferring GBytes of files over. What a nightmare that was!


There is very little you’d have to do. Mike has done a fantastic job in incorporating Google’s reCaptcha 2 technology into Formloom 3. All you do is click on the “Need keys?” button, which takes you to the Google reCaptcha 2 page. You then enter a name for it, i.e., project name, enter the domain(s) it is for, and then simply copy and paste the Site key and the Secret key in Formloom 3. That’s it!

If your form fails the test after that, you most likely are experiencing an incompatibility caused by a screw up by your hosting company, as was my case.

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