For Stacks users we have a little update. Just some bug fixes that sneaked through. Most are very rare, but you should update. It’s a solid release. And it’s a free update. Enjoy.
Download - Get it via Auto-Update or grab it here.
Release Notes - All the details with links to our GitHub bug-tracker too.
A PlusKit Beta
For PlusKit users we have a new beta. This is part of our longer-term goals of overhauling PlusKit and making it much more robust. This is a very early beta, so please have a look at the release notes before you use it.
Behind the scenes, during all these updates, overhauls, bug fixes, and tweaks — we’ve been working on something new. It’s a simple little plugin. It’s super easy to use. And it adds a unique feature that will allow you to build things in RapidWeaver that were never possible before.
That’s all I’m going to say, for now. But I’ll let you have a peek at the new icon.
@swilliam - Stacks 3 should continue to be RapidWeaver 6 compatible for a while more. I think we will probably make the break at Stacks 3.5 next year sometime when we introduce some of the larger changes and API. Breaking from RW6 will allow us a bit more freedom to do a few things we couldn’t before with partials, images, and especially resources.
So you’re good for a while more. But maybe keep an eye out for a good deal on the RW 7 upgrade. Did you see this post this morning?
Thanks @isaiah,
It’s not the upgrade $, it’s my tired old workhorse MacPro and Adobe apps.
I can get to El-Cap with the MacPro but I’m told it will render my CS4 unusable.
I hate the thought of paying Adobe a subscription for CC. Trying to hold out until Affinity releases an alternative to indesign (supposedly in the works).
Also waiting for Apple to release something that has a fighting chance to replace my dual 2.93 Ghz quad core w/40Gig of ram. Problem exasperated because I have 2 very large external eSATA raid 6 arrays to deal with also.
I thought it might happen a couple weeks ago but no… Pro users Ignored again!
I only just (and with much gnashing of teeth) gave up my 2008 Mac Pro cheesegrater. But after reading many details of specs on the latest $4K apple hardware I bought… and old used Mac Pro 2012. LOL
Seriously, though… it’s been great! For about a $1K I got a 2012 Mac Pro (slightly dented) with 32GB RAM. Worked with all my nice upgrades (PCIe drive and graphics cards) and my nice 27" displays. It’s a hair faster, works with Sierra, and it’s a dual 3-core xeons have hyper threading… so 12 virtual cores! It’s a beast for Xcode and Photoshop.
I guess I’m gonna have to try to find a used MacPro as well and just deal with the eSATA issue. I keep thinking they will release a new one (hopefully with expansion space) but it looks like a pipe dream. I can’t believe they are abandoning the users of the Pro platforms aren’t we the guys that…, well, nevermind
RE: MacBook Pro
I was bummed because my Late 2011 MBP bit the dust with a “hard” graphics card failure. Then some investigating showed that there is a know problem with the Graphics card on that model and Apple will put in a new card for free. I found the program on the Apple site, took my MBP to my Apple store (where it is now) and they are, indeed, fixing it for free. I’m lucky it died now as the program ends at end of this year. I always buy my iMacs and MBP’s as Refurbed units from the Apple store. Good as new machine, warranty… less money.
@sandokandrea: Short answer: RapidBlog is RW 7 compatible.
Long answer:
We took over the plugins from LogHound, but some like RapidBlog are very difficult to support. In it’s current state I can’t, with a good conscience, charge money for that product knowing that there are many issues that are unfixable.
But, basically as a kindness to existing RapidBlog customers and the community at large, I continue to run builds and Christi tries to help people out as best she can. We don’t make any money from this. But it seemed a shame to just discontinue a product that so many people were enjoying.
You can find those builds on the RapidBlog GitHub site here:
To the best of my knowledge it is working just fine in RapidWeaver 7. If there are problems I’d encourage you to file a bug there in GitHub and I’ll get to it when I can.
We’ll continue to keep it compatible with RapidWeaver as long as we can and as long as the Blogger API allows it.
@isaiah, thank You for Your time in answering my question.
I just tried it in my ‘dummy’ project and it apparently works again and this is a great news!!
Let’s see what will happen with the main projects…