Any experiences with CMS based app

I have a site created with Joe’s Foundation and Total CMS (site link below). Anyone have any experience and/or suggestions on creating an iOS/Android app version of the site using the HTML/CMS content? Any experience with any particular app creation vendor/service that you would recommend?

Hello @danhmill,

  1. you forgot the link :slight_smile:

  2. depends on the demanded functionality, but I’m using Cordova/Phonegap

  3. Cordova/Phonegap (easy to learn, easy to test, easy to deploy)

P.S.: I don’t recommend using RW-Output for Apps. Tried it -> it works, but its finale file-size is way to huge. Also, most (maybe all) theme-dev’s are using cdn’s for stuff like jquery. For an app which should work offline too this isn’t that good. So, coding it by hand, no framework, html/haml, sass/less, coffee/js, is the best practice.

Regarding other services -> Ionic shall be quite good, with a paid account they even offer a drag’n’drop app called ‘Creator’. Every other service regarding this I’ve seen so far was quite disappointxng…

Happy weaving


That won’t work. Total CMS needs php. That’s not available on iOS.

Thank you both for the responses. Sorry forgot the link…here it is

Noridge…Thanks for the thorough information. A bit out of my skill set however. Let me put my question another way. Any experience creating a app that is essentially a browser. As you’ll see the site is sort of set up like an app anyway. I suppose I’m looking for a company that might use an existing website to create an app experience, perhaps with a few additional bells and whistles available for good measure.

Again…thanks for the input.

Neither on Android or any other mobile OS.

In fact a Webview (at least called in Android that way), but in my opinion that’s kind of nonsense, it just would be a browser without any browser-like possibilities opening your website by default.

Maybe its better to detect mobile users (e.g. with Agent) and call for them a modal giving the option to add the website to the homescreen (works in both Android and iOS). Then it would look like an app, clicking it opens the browser which in turn opens your website.


Noridge, thanks for the suggestion on the addition to home screen.

I think that you simply want an app that can be used to edit the online site? You could create a simple app that is just a dedicated browser to the websites’ admin area. This could be done with Total CMS. However, the CMS software itself would need to reside on the server.

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Joe thanks for the input! I love total CMS by the way. Anyway, to your point…that’s not quite my goal. I actually have a admin interface that we are quite happy with. We are also very happy with the CMS content on our site (, however as we work towards other features and functions that are only doable at an App level, I’m hoping to include that same website content within an app without any duplicate work. As I look at the CMS data directory structure I wonder if I could simply have an app built that would use that directory for content links. Seems there has to be a way…I’m going to keep trying and will report back with any progress.