Anybody tried to password protect a page within a web site?

I want to put a password protection on one page on my web-site. Do I need an Add-On, if so any reccommendations? Thanks, Rob

I use PageSafe from Joe Workman for sites that only need password access for a few people. For sites with a larger user database (200 or so) I use Sitelok from Vibralogix along with Joe’s Sitelok stacks thatmake deploying Sitelok even easier.


SiteLok is brilliant but it may be overkill for your needs.

Checkout this video:

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@RobbieB, I also use PageSafe from JW and it works great for me. I’m just protecting one page of a website and that page has all our members phone#'s and email’s. So far the only problem I encountered is the fact that smart phones can’t scroll enough so I’ve had to divide up the list into several pdf files and then have one pdf embed file stack for the entire list to be on everything but mobile. For mobile, I use about 7 pdf embed stacks.


Here’s a pagesafe protected page, feel free to rightclick/view and you’ll see there’s nothing there, the real content is only loaded after a correct password/code is entered.

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