Aspen Sidebar Question

Hi Guys,

While discovering the awesome features of the Nik Cates’s Aspen theme, I’ve stumbled across a bit of a poser I’m hoping somebody will be able to help me solve:

When I add the sidebar stack and an image, which results in the sidebar title and text with the image, I can reverse the order with the ‘Split Image Right’ tick box in the page styles. However, when viewing this on a mobile, I always get the image first with the text below it. How can I set the text to show first, with the image below it? There’s no vertical rearrangement option…

Many thanks to any and all that might have an idea … it’s really crucial to my new project.

Hi @swissrog,

Could you upload a demo page or something so we could take a look at what you are trying to do?

Sure, thanks for inquiring.

One of the pages is Ausfahrten |, which has an image on the right. Regardless of which side the image is on (i.e. even if I switch it to the left of the text), when I look at it on a mobile, the image comes first, with the text below it. The text, however, has to come first…

I hope this helps to explain. Thanks for your help!