Aspen Theme Banner Height


I’d like to reduce the size of the banner on my site but can’t seem to find a way to do it.

I’m using the Aspen theme, and it may be that the large banner is part of the theme, but I’d like to reduce it by about 50% if possible.

I have searched for answers and most say to use code like the below -

.hero-background {
height: 55vh;
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
.hero-content {
bottom: 15%;

But putting that in the CSS box doesn’t make any difference.

Is there a way to do it? My site is

Remove the CSS you included and see if this gets you any close for desktop view:

.figure_bg {
	max-height: 32vw;

.figure.theme h1.site_title {
	margin: 6vw 0 12vw;

With fading memories of being shot at by the natives of Muirhouse while grimly hanging on to the top of the poles at the auld Post Office Telephones training school.


You, sir or madam, are a legend.

That works a treat.

I would erect a statue to you in Muirhouse, but we both know it would be broken up for scrap bu the locals within 24 hours.

Thanks for the code.

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