Hi all, I’m in the Beginner stage and am looking for tutorials on the basics of RW8 and Foundation 6. The Tutorials I have found all seem outdated. Perhaps I should watch these even though, for instance, the Site Styles stack looks completely different now and even the stacks I need to follow along are not used in the current Foundation stacks? I would gladly pay good money to learn, but it would be super helpful if the tutorials use the products I have (all current versions of RW, Found and stacks).
Any help would be super greatly appreciated! Thank you, everyone.
Look for the Weavers Space channel on YouTube. Joe posts a new video about Foundation 6 nearly every week. Yes, there are lots of videos to work through. Start with learning the basics (there are videos that cover basics). But Foundation 6 is an extremely powerful and flexible framework, to learn it well you will need to invest some time. Once you do, you will love the sites you can build with it.
Thanks so much, Firedude. I’ll see if Joe has some good beginner tutorials. Yes, I’m aware that to “conquer” RW/F (if that could ever be done), I’ll need to invest some time. I’m up for that!
There is a playlist on my channel. I would watch it mostly in order for the first 5-10 videos. After that, you can pick and choose from the large library of videos.