Does anyone know a stack or add on I can use for my blog so people can leave comments.
A sign in option (twitter, Facebook etc) would be preferable but not essential.
Does anyone know a stack or add on I can use for my blog so people can leave comments.
A sign in option (twitter, Facebook etc) would be preferable but not essential.
You can have comments with Joe’s Tumblr stack.
Disqus works really well. I don’t know what type of blog page you have. I believe the default RW blog page does integrate with Disqus. Other options, such as Armadillo blogs, also nicely integrate with Disqus.
Unfortunately discus stopped being editable, as you may see at may site at https://pizzomarinellafs.inarrivo.net. The discus form correctly appears, but when you put your mouse over the fields they do not get selected and it is thereafter impossible to enter any information.
9 Year Old Post
@fbartolom If you are having troubles with Disqus please start a new Topic.
Also, your site is getting flagged for javascript malware. Not sure if it’s a false positive but you can check it here https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/https/pizzomarinellafs.inarrivo.net