Booking >>> Payments >>> Membership

Hello fellow experienced rapidweaverers :slight_smile:

I plan to start a website selling online courses and consultation. Two scenarios:

Scenario 1
shop with courses (5-20 different products) >>> purchase >>> membership area with specific course (I did not found any automatic, so I will probably need to make each course for each buyer individually)

And here I think Yuzool Checkout Stack >>> Checkout Stack and Members Stack

Scenario 2
Choosing Consultation >>> Booking >>> Purchase >>> Confirmation

And here I think
Yuzool Checkout Stack >>> Yuzool Booking Stack
Yuzool Booking Stack >>> Yuzool Checkout Stack

@YuzoolSupport can you validate my idea?

Is it possible to make Checkout as a part of Booking proces with your stacks? Where customer starts booking, find a suitable date and time, confirms, pays, and everything confirms?
How efficient is Membership Stack? How many members it can hold? Is it manageable?
Do you have any experience configuring Stripe with Polish payments in Checkout Stack?

Maybe anyone tried this kind of scenarios and can share a knowledge? Maybe there is an alternative approach or stacks?

Dear Lukasz,

Let me check with Michael just to make sure we can give you a comprehensive answer. Kind regards,

Yuzool Support Team

Thank you, I appreciate the help

Michael’s comments:

  • Scenario1 - Yes after purchase with Checkout they can create a Members account and download/access the course and products
  • Scenario 2 - That should work also for booking consultation
  • Yes after checkout they can be sent to booking form (you can see this with demo:
  • Membership can hold unlimited members. To manage it there is a file for each user - you can see from the docs:
  • As Stripe works in Poland, it should work with the Stripe Stacks

Much obliged

I will try to configure it and may be back with questions

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