Booking stack by Yuzool

Hi everyone, I recently bought Yuzool’s Booking stack for a client. It looks like the only way to block booked times is by opening up Rapidweaver and entering booked times. Is this true?

I tried contacting @yuzool but he hasn’t replied yet, so I was hoping that someone else who owns the stack could help me out.

It looks like the stack doesn’t prevent double-booking on its own (i.e. if I book an appointment for 8am on Sept. 27th, and then I try to book another appointment for the same time, I don’t get an error message saying that the time is already booked).

If this is the case, then this stack isn’t very useful for clients. Does this mean they will have to contact me every time they get a booking?

Here’s my test page: (passcode: j3lly4me)

Thanks in advance!


Hi Michael, thank you for replying. I originally posted my question on your support page 22 days ago, and this is the first reply that I’ve received from you (although it’s possible that you sent a reply and it never made it to me).

I’ve looked through your support doc and couldn’t find any mention of hooking in a Google Calendar. It would be great if we could get some instructions for this (being able to see blocked-out dates would make the visitor’s experience so much better).


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