Bug after stacks update. Please Help…

I have RapidWeaver Version: 6.3.4 with Tesla theme
System Version: 10.9.5
Hardware: 27-Inch iMac .

After updating new stack few days ago, each time I create a new stacks, it’doesn’t take the settings as margin, padding, color and frame.
It works correctly in the preview in my computer but it doesn’t work on the server.
on my computer :

and on my website (in the middle - no frame, no margin, no padding) :

The settings are still OK in the previous stacks, but not in the new created ones.

Thanks for answer. If you have no explanation, how can I go back to the previous version ?


I’m experiencing this too, Stacks version 3.0.5. Going back to an older version 3.0.3 didn’t fix it.

I’d say either the FTP didn’t complete or you’re seeing some partially cached info in your browser.

To take care of the FTP try choosing Upload All Files. More details here:

You may also want to try to clear the cache on your web browser (or try looking at the page with an alternate browser) to ensure that all of the content and style sheets and script files are being downloaded.


Thanks for you answer, actually it seems that the server was a little bit snoozy…
And thanks for the link to the Answer Cafe which will be very useful too ! :slightly_smiling: