I have a question (new to stacks): I have to rebuild my portfolio website and I need to simplify the pages and chose Nick Cates’s Photo stack to do it. This allows me to reduce my thumbnails to one for each gallery of my portfolio, which I really need – but Photo does not have autoplay for the slideshow and my clients (film & TV producers) are notorious for short attention span and clicking through images can be difficult for them. Can I utilize one stack on top of another? For example: Can I use Photo for the galleries/thumbnails and Impact to autoplay the slideshows created by the other stack?
I’ve asked this – elsewhere – and have not received an answer.
Not an answer to your question about using another stack to autoplay - that is not something I’ve never seen mentioned here and as far as i know may not possible - perhaps someone else might have a solution for that.
Another solution might be @willwood Will Woodgate’s ProGallery which is a great stack for auto playing gallery images. In his documentation he mentions that the gallery can be triggered from a button (or text link), so I imagine it would work the same way to be triggered from a thumbnail image in an image stack. So you could have multiple thumbnails on a page, each set to trigger it’s own gallery. Might be worth taking a look: https://stacks4stacks.com/progallery/
The instructions for a text or button link are towards the bottom of the page.
Another very good option might be @instacks Gallery Stack 3 http://instacks.com/gallerystack/ which I understand will accommodate launching a gallery from a single thumbnail and autoplay of the images.
Thanks – I appreciate the reply. I checked out Instacks Gallery Stack, maybe I read it wrong, but it really didn’t seem to be what I’m looking for – though you can launch it from a single thumbnail you still have the row of thumbnails running at the bottom of the screen, which still leads to a load of thumbnails on the a page. Photo Stacks avoids that and that’s what I like about it.
Yes, ProGallery lets you trigger an auto-playing responsive slideshow within a lightbox. You can either choose to use a custom link or button of your own design. Or choose to simply reuse the first or last image within the set, as the trigger.
There’s a free demo version of the stack to download and you can hit me with any further questions or feature requests you might have. The next free update for ProGallery will introduce extended support for video and a few more image sources.