Can we download an old rapidweaver site via FTP to update?

Hi! I was just contacted by an old client who would like me to add a few galleries to their existing site. I built the site in Rapid Weaver two years back. He ended up hiring another designer down the road. I deleted his files after 6 months. Now, he’s asking if I can update the site.

I don’t have the files. Looked everywhere. Ran Time Machine to look. Nada. Gone.

Is there a way to re-download the site to Rapidweaver so that I can update it? Or are we talking a manual rebuild of the entire site? I searched the forums and couldn’t find anything.

When I started, I used Dreamweaver, and I’d very often do just such a task quite easily. Hoping there’s a way here, too! Thank you!

No way without project file, it’s a rebuild

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Thanks for replying. I was afraid of that. Appreciate it.

Best you can do really is just cut and paste to a new project if you don’t have the project file.

When you mention ‘galleries’, you ought to be able to retrieve image files via ftp if you have the credentials to log in and browse around. Might that be better than nothing?

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