Old Machine: Late 2012 iMac running Mojave. New Machine: Mac Mini M4 Pro/ Internet connection: AT&T Turbo Hotspot 2.
I’ve downloaded RW 8 and installed it. When I try activating it by inputting in my email address and license key, I immediately get " Unable to Activate. Please ensure your email address and license code are correct, then try again." There’s almost no time from hitting the button to getting “nope. Can’t do that”. I thought it might be my hotspot not letting that connection happen, because I was having an issue with not being able to check email when going through the hotspot. I fixed that yesterday. Changed a security setting. Who shuts off email as a default setting?!. Anyway, I made sure that most all connections (even telnet) were allowed. Still can’t activate it. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Will RW8 work on Sequoia?