Can't activate V8 on my new Mac Mini

Old Machine: Late 2012 iMac running Mojave. New Machine: Mac Mini M4 Pro/ Internet connection: AT&T Turbo Hotspot 2.

I’ve downloaded RW 8 and installed it. When I try activating it by inputting in my email address and license key, I immediately get " Unable to Activate. Please ensure your email address and license code are correct, then try again." There’s almost no time from hitting the button to getting “nope. Can’t do that”. I thought it might be my hotspot not letting that connection happen, because I was having an issue with not being able to check email when going through the hotspot. I fixed that yesterday. Changed a security setting. Who shuts off email as a default setting?!. Anyway, I made sure that most all connections (even telnet) were allowed. Still can’t activate it. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Will RW8 work on Sequoia?


Sounds like your licence number might be incorrect… I’ve just dropped you an email with a new licence :slight_smile:

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That did the trick. How’d that get messed up? It’s the same one I originally had (at least, I think it is)