I can’t save my project using Rapidweaver 8.2.1 for Mac.
Any idea?
The following window text appear:
I can’t save my project using Rapidweaver 8.2.1 for Mac.
Any idea?
The following window text appear:
Might be a topic for @tpbradley?
Try a Save As into a different folder?
This is a Catalina specific error, I believe. I have not seen it myself, but I’ve heard about it from other developers. From my own limited knowledge:
at that point i referred the person to submit the issue to realmac – not necessarily with the belief that it was their issue – it could easily be a dropbox thing or an Apple bug or just a user permissions problem – but i figured RMS would want to know about it in any event.
my suggestion for a workaround would be to (in this order):
lastly… downgrade to a stable OS version.
Catalina currently has several insurmountable issues that i’m aware of – enough to keep me from using it, even though it would make life easier for me if i could.
Thanks for the input guys!
@felipe Can you confirm if you’re using macOS 10.15 Catalina? Cheers
Hey @ricohofmann, I could really do with knowing if you’re using the macOS 10.15 Catalina beta?
Yes I’m using the Catalina Beta.
Apple have recently released macOS Catalina beta 8 which appears to solve this problem.
@ricohofmann @felipe Could you guys give it a try and let me know if you see any more of these errors.
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