Cartloom digital downloads not working

I have set up a store on my site using the amazing Cartloom at:
Cartloom offers two methods to host and download digital files, Amazon S3 and Cartloom. I have tried both methods, but cannot get either one to work. I always get a 404 error. Has anyone else had trouble with digital downloads using the Cartloom 4 beta?
P. S. Feel free to add the book bundle to your cart and use coupon THANKYOUNEWSLETTER to download the bundle for free. Hey, you help me, I help you!

Did you get this resolved? If not you might talk with @yabdab about it. I know there was a massive DDoS attack here in the U.S. yesterday and it caused problems throughout the country all day yesterday. Perhaps that was the cause.

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Thanks Adam for your reply.

I have been working with Mike on this issue for most of the week. I got an email from him this morning that explained an iisue he found with the S3 URL I used in Cartloom. He fixed it and it finally seems to be working.

Still not sure why I couldn’t get Cartloom hosted file to download either, but I will work on that later. Could be a beta issue which is fair, but I’m not certain at this point.

Awesome. I’m glad you’ve got it sorted out. I’ve been using Cartloom from the start for Elixir and have loved it from the beginning. It has taken a huge leap forward with v4 and I foresee more cool stuff in its future. Looking very bright.

We were able to sort this out by making sure all settings were correct.
Cartloom digital downloads are working. :wink: