1LD Developers need help

I bought something from 1LD early this morning. I received my Paypal invoice, but nothing from the developers. I’ve sent contact forms. Is anything going on with them?


Have you tried the order lookup form? It might be able to resend the download link

I have but the purchase doesn’t show.

Hi David. Exactly the same thing has happened to me. I sent emails via i little developer help desk and no response. I thought the problem was with my email address bouncing Cartloom. If I resend my history of purchases it goes nowhere. So frustrating. BTW in my history of purchases my recent purchase did show up but now it doesn’t! Go figure.

Wayne, I will wait a couple of days, but then contact PayPal

Yes I give up. My purchase was on the the 26th Oct.


Just got the message!! Woooo

So whats the message, I have heard nothing?

Have you tried the things outlined here in your other thread: Problem with Cartloom purchases ?

It sounds like the problem may not be at Cartloom / One Little Designer’s end…

Hi Jason. Yes I’ve tried everything in the other thread. It may be my ISP I have tried everything, spoke to them, they don’t why. All I am, after is some recognition from onelittledesigner and for them to change my email delivery address so that I can receive what I paid for. Thanks anyway.

Contacted them a few weeks ago regarding issues with the YouTube stack - haven’t heard back -

Hope they are still around - like their products

They just released a new theme so I’d suspect they’re still around. Maybe @1LittleDesigner or @Jon1LD can chime in?

I gave my input into a similar thread just now, and noticed this one. I have the same issue with not receiving emails from 1LD after purchasing through PayPal. I wait and wait and then a day or two into the waiting, I will send a support request into them. They have always been good about responding. I still have no idea why a Microsoft Live account doesn’t seem to deliver my emails, even when logging into a browser and looking at the SPAM folder. The Cartloom lookup feature on their site doesn’t work well MOST of the time. A few times I will get an email back after a request. I always wondered if “their server was down” or something similar.
This is definitely an issue.

Hello Wayne,

Very sorry for all the trouble. It does indeed seem that your ISP is blocking both Cartloom emails as well as the replies to the message you sent to the support team. They were able to change the email address to the one you requested but were unaware that the reply also did not make it to you. You should be able to use the order lookup form found at the bottom of our website homepage now with the new address. Let me know if you still have any trouble.


Thanks Jon. Yes I received the link all good. My concern with all of this, sounds like the problem is with not only mine but other servers as well going by the threads that I have read. This have happened to me before with other developers as well (Your Head). Anyway thanks again.

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