Changing alt tag of site logo in rapidweaver

hi there
i am trying to change the alt tag of my site logo because google ads “side logo” at the end of my page title if you look it up. i have read the reason why google does this is that if it scrolls down the page, the first thing it recognises is the page logo, which shown with its alt tag - which is “site logo”.
when i click on inspect element in rapidweaver preview, i see this alt tag. is it possible to change it there?
thanks a lot guys! marcees

This isn’t currently possible in RW6, but will be configurable in the (forthcoming) RapidWeaver 7 upgrade. No dates yet for launch, but listen to The RapidWeaver Show for all the details:


thx nik. is there no way to open the theme in findern and change it there within the code?