Changing URLs to Something Normal (& SEO-Friendly)

Between the fact that I am brand new to RapidWeaver and the fact that it is nearly impossible to discern when forum or any other posts on the internet are about RW8 or something older, I am stymied!

I want normal urls. Like about.html for the about page. Should be simple enough. But I’m near tears of frustration!!

I want this url to be or even, but nope. it insists on being named “/styled-7.”

Actually, it’s styled-7 when I move from one page to another in the site, and the only way to get “about” is to get there from a hyperlink.

I’ve checked out General settings, but I don’t see anything there.

And I’ve checked out Advanced settings:

I’ve published the whole thing repeatedly after “fixing” things. I refresh each time, but no satisfaction!

Can someone please help me here? Thanks!


Change folder name to whatever you want.



It would also be a good idea to select “Tidy Website Links” under the Advanced settings. More SEO friendly.


That’s exactly what I had in that pane. Here is a screenshot I took before I posted the original post. I was going to post it, along with two others before I found out I could only post one image on this forum.

When I click on any page from the navigation, I get the “styled-whatever” url in the browser.

When I go straight to it from, say, an external link, I get the “about” url.

Is that just me?

Try republishing all files.

That’s been ticked all along.

I’ve been doing SEO since AltaVista, Excite, and Northern Light were top search engines – which was before there was a name for SEO – so I know how important it is. When my husband mentioned that particular option, I was sold on RW8. However, this morning’s struggle may have changed that enthusiasm, :slight_smile:

Been doing that all along.

Perhaps if I go in and manually remove all the old files using FTP?

DOH! I got it.

I’m sorry for the waste of time. Turns out I simply needed to clear my cache,


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