In some of the pages I am creating with RW, some of the characters are not displaying correctly, and I don’ t know why or how to fix them. I am trying to display: I Know My ABC’s Award, but it displays as: I Know My ABC’s Award. Also, the breadcrumbs are doing the same thing on the bottom right of the page. Where it should be little right facing arrows, I’m getting some different symbols too. Does anyone know how I could fix this? I’m using the Copper Theme by SeyDesign. I’ll put a link below. Thank you!
Hi, @cynthia, everything looks fine on my computer (both body and breadcrumbs). However, in breadcrumbs the apostrophe is missing. I see ABCs instead of ABC’s. Apart from the technicalities, the version in breadcrumbs is stylistically correct.
Safari 9.0.2; OS X 10.9.5
What do you have in Preferences for Default Encoding ? I had Western (ISO Latin 1) and the ABC’s were showing as weird characters, but when I changed to Unicode (UTF-8) then it displays correctly:
Unfortunately, I am not with the computer/browser I used in order to check the Default encoding of it. However, I will check it tonight as soon as I am able to. Thank you for bringing that to my attention because I wouldn’t have even thought to check that!
Thank you for making me aware of the chart. I’m not positive how to make the corrections though by using it, but I can try. I am a beginner for the most part, and this is pretty much Greek (or Latin) to me. I will look at it and give it a try though. Thank you so much!
Back at my Mac and did some playing around.
Don’t have the theme your using but do have @joeworkman letterPress stack.
On your site the: [quote=“cynthia, post:1, topic:4605”]
ABC’s Award
appears on Safari with the default unicode set to western(ISO latin 1).
it also appears this way on my iPad (iOS 9.2) .
I did change my Safari to Unicode (UTF-8) as @britinusa outlined and it did clear up.
I do not thing you can change this on an iPad (not able to find that setting) and I think my Mac was set to the default.
I tried letter press in both foundation and the reason theme (comes with RW) and it appears to work correctly on Safari (set to both western(ISO latin 1) and Unicode (UTF-8)) and the iPad.
I have never had a problem with LetterPress (don’t know what settings you are using). But you might try changing the Theme to see if it clears up.
Anyway I don’t think you would want to rely on people changing the default settings on there browser.
The chart was really provided to try to get you to see the relationship between the chars (symbols) that are appearing and what you thought should be being rendered. It won’t solve anything as such.
Doing nothing is not an option here. Anything that relies on end users doing something is doomed to failure.
You’re right. I wouldn’t want people to have to change the settings in their browser. I do want to stay with the Theme I am using though, but I’ll see if there is anything I can find for the UTF-8 settings. Thank you for your help!
You are welcome. It looks like you are on your way now, so well done.
If you are really stuck for how to fix the breadcrumb chars (by manually typing in the characters). Then I suppose you could use this CSS snippet to override whatever is in there just now. Paste this into the global CSS container in your project:
nav#breadcrumb ul li a:after {
content: ' | ' !important;
Thank you for the kind words, they mean a lot, but I’m really not very amazing. In fact, I’m rather dull
I may try the CSS snippet you provided if I can’t do anything else with the breadcrumbs. They look OK in some browsers, but show the funky characters in others. Anyway; Thank You again, as I’ll probably end-up trying the snippet, and for fixing the Letterpress issue! You are not dull to me; in fact, quite the opposite.