Check if publish folder matches web address

I have issues when customers set the web address in their project files to but then publish to Is there anything that RapidWeaver can do to warn people that this is not setup properly?

I don’t have any solutions off the top of my head to try and solve this but I am open to ideas…

I suppose we could do something like upload a small secret file to the path (rwupload.txt), and if it isn’t available at then we show an error. It’ll probably catch most of these, but as soon as you publish to a different path it’ll break this check (since RapidWeaver doesn’t delete files from FTP servers).

In that case, perhaps we could include a hash inside the file that references a specific publishing destination configuration?

I’m also not sure how we’d word such an error so that it made the problem obvious - sounds awkward!

Seems like it’d be useful from a support perspective, but I’m not sure whether this is the correct approach. @dan @tpbradley got any thoughts?

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